Be Horself

Horse Assisted Wellbeing to Reconnect with Your True Self

How Horses Heal

Throughout history, the healing influence of horses has been recognised and honoured. Their innate ability to sense and respond to human emotions makes them remarkable companions in therapeutic work. Equine Facilitated Learning, now backed by scientific understanding, isn’t just a final option but a meaningful beginning for those seeking healing. It invites individuals burdened by life’s challenges to embark on a journey with these empathic creatures, where instinct and intuition converge to provide genuine support and aid in their healing process.


An impactful and gentle approach, Equine Facilitated Learning supports children facing challenges such as a spectrum diagnosis, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and more, while nurturing confidence and improving social skills.

A supportive path for adults, Equine Facilitated Learning assists in rediscovering self-connection, enabling individuals to overcome major life challenges, anxiety, stress, depression and more, while fostering personal growth and well-being.

A distinctive and engaging resource for your organization’s leaders and teams, Equine Facilitated Learning encompasses activities that contribute to developing better leaders, improving morale and productivity, and fostering stronger bonds within teams.

Deep dive into personal growth, discovery, and healing with one of our coveted Equine Facilitated Learning retreats – a beautiful time together nourishing your spirit, developing your desires, and finding more ease in your daily life.

We help with

Depression, Stress & Anxiety

Feeling lost, stuck or without a purpose

Lack of self-confidence

Low self-esteem

Feeling isolated or lonely

Coping with life changes

Strained relationships

Managing grief or bereavement

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


Overcoming fear or feeling overwhelmed

Lack of motivation

Healing after a breakup or divorce


What our clients say...

We met Loredana at a well-being event in Aylesbury, at the time my son was at the lowest of lows and in a very dark place; we had a brief chat with Loredana and what she offered with the well-being session with her beautiful horses.  We did some thinking and soon after got Alex booked in for his first session. When Alex started these sessions he was under CAMHS and was suffering with severe anxiety and depression as a result of a lot of underlying life long issues; as a mother I felt completely broken and was looking for someone/something to help us. Loredana was that miracle, after several sessions I saw such a change in Alex, he started to become more confident, his triggers were becoming manageable and his anxiety was starting to reduce. This was by no means a quick fix but I started to see light at the end of the tunnel I’m getting “my boy” back. As a parent you take so much responsibility in feeling like a failure when your child encounters these feelings as all you want to do is fix them and make them well. Loredana was also a rock for me and was there to help and talk me through any concerns i had.  After several months Alex was a different child, he’d gone from never wanting to go out the house to going to town and walking in a shop alone and this was all down to the amazing work, time and patience that Loredana gave to Alex. I don’t often believe in miracles but Loredana and her beautiful horses were our miracle and she gave me my boy back. To this day we have become extremely close and Alex loves spending time at her beautiful sanctuary in the country. There will never be a million thank yous enough for what Loredana and her boys (the horses) have done for Alex and for anyone looking to find that miracle, this is where you will find it.


“It was a life-changing experience. The most beautiful day in an exquisite environment. From the trust-leading walks in the woods, to the magical maze, to the delicious vegan meal with wildflowers and pretty crockery in the middle of the pasture, to the quiet talks sitting in the grass, to the bare-foot in the dirt body meditation, to the heartfelt drumming, to the gentle unraveling, rebuilding and coaching. And of course to Milo, whose presence, awareness, acknowledgement and acceptance took us on an internal journey of discovery and sense of coming home. I cannot thank you both enough for holding the space for us to find freedom within ourselves, and new path for a more emotionally resilient future.”


“I was sceptical but somehow drawn to working with horses as working as a therapist and having been in therapy for many years I wanted to try something different that would connect me in a different way. I have to say it was profound and working with Milo was a joy, I’m not sure how it works but I’m still experiencing emotional shifts a week later so who cares why!”


“Had the most beautiful moment with @behorself. A few hours learning to trust and connect with the herd. This was an expertly led equine-well-being session that helps us get out of our heads and just ‘be’. Standing with my eyes closed while Norbert rested his head on my shoulder was so beautiful. And I’m actually a bit afraid of horses! Really recommend it for anyone who wants a bit of healing in their life.”


“Working with BeHorself has been amazing. It truly gave me back time to reflect and listen to myself and my body. The support and facilitation helped me trust myself and created a space for me to think and get some real clarity. Thank you.”


My eight year old daughter began struggling even more during lockdown with quite deep rooted self esteem difficulties, isolating herself and withdrawing herself from life. She has always been more at ease with animals so this seemed like a very natural way of offering her some less directive support.

I can not express how amazing it has been, building a beautiful therapeutic relationship with Loredana and her horses, it gave her what I can only describe as a very safe space to be herself and explore her fears through building trust.   I’ve seen her self esteem grow week by week and most importantly she has begun to talk and express herself which is something she had stopped doing. I highly recommend Loredana and her horses. There is something beautifully safe, consistent and special about the therapeutic experience she offers. Sometimes when words are hard to find, the presence of an animal makes it so much different. I would highly recommend her for children and from the relationship I felt with her, for adults too. Thank you. “


My daughter loved every session with Loredana and her horses – they provided a safe space for her where she could feel happy, relaxed and valued during a difficult time in her life. Loredana was able to make her feel at ease in her company and the beautiful surroundings from the very start and my daughter has certainly come away from her time there feeling stronger, more emotionally resilient and better equipped to face life’s challenges. Thank you Loredana for all that you have given her.”


“Spending time with Loredana, Milo and Mayo has been life-changing.  With love, reassurance and guidance, our work together helped heal the past, give hope for the future and inspired a new career path. Their kind, caring presence and gentle encouragement amongst such beautiful and safe surroundings has facilitated practical, real-life solutions as well as increasing my confidence and focus.  It’s hard to put exact words to such a moving experience.  Our final session was even blessed with two rainbows!

Thank you Be Horself!”


“Thank you Loredana for all your help and support with Charlie over the last few months. He has loved working with you and the horses. You made him feel at ease and comfortable to be able to open up and talk to you about his feelings.  He has learnt new techniques to help him manage his thoughts and emotions. We have already seen a difference in how he reacts in certain situations.”


“I felt guided through my journey of self discovery with genuine care, kindness and acceptance.”


“Loredana has been working for a few weeks with my adult son, who has autism and a learning disability. She built a lovely rapport with him from the very first session. He responds really well to her calm, gentle and kind energy and is smiling lots during the sessions, which is lovely to see. His confidence is building in working with her and the horses and he always enjoys it. I would highly recommend her.”


I cavalli sono dei grandi maestri del concetto del “qui ed ora”; mi hanno fatto capire l’importanza dell’essere presente nel momento e dell’essere congruente con me stesso… e di conseguenza con gli altri.”


Discover Yourself Again.

Be Horself provides an opportunity to connect to yourself. Through Equine Facilitated Learning and Mindfulness, we use a variety of treatment techniques and gentle, intuitive practices with horses as co-facilitators to reclaim your true essence, to create a life of emotional balance, confidence, joy and ease. 

Develop new skills. Reclaim your authenticity. Find self-acceptance, self-love and the courage to pursue your dreams and true desires.

Since the time of ancient Greece, horses have been useful in the treatment of physical and emotional challenges that humans have faced throughout millennia. In today’s fast-paced, disconnected culture, we face greater mental and emotional stresses than ever before. Many of us feel alone or silenced and are not able to share openly or process our emotions.

With the innovative experiential learning method of Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL), you can safely interact with horses, from the ground, and be gently guided by their intuition to unlock the blocks holding you back from embodying your true self and living out your dreams and goals.

Working with our horses will require you to apply, and learn if needed, important life skills, such as building relationships, confidence, trust in yourself and others, empathy, assertiveness, problem solving, emotional awareness and regulation, responsibility and much more.

We are aware that for some people traditional talking therapy may feel a bit intimidating. At Be Horself we offer a very different experience; our work takes place outdoors, close to nature and together with our lovely horses. The environment itself can be quite therapeutic, inspiring and conducive to self-exploration and self-growth.

Furthermore, our work is experiential and it engages all senses in the learning process. For this reason the EFL method has proven to be very helpful for those who are stuck in their heads and therefore unable to heal and move forward.  Click Here to learn more about EFL.

What We Offer

Individual Sessions

In our transformative sessions, you’ll spend time in a safe and non-judgemental space with Loredana and one of her horse facilitators specifically chosen for your needs. Get some mindful time for yourself to breathe, relax, and recharge in our peaceful country setting.

Through a variety of gentle practices and activities with the horses, all from the ground, you will unlock stuck emotions, uncover limiting beliefs and create a new vision and strategy for your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Group / Team Sessions

Group / Team Sessions

Our group sessions are designed to provide friends and family members with an opportunity to share, connect, bond and resolve any challenges or problematic dynamics whilst having a fun day outdoor among horses. 

Equine Facilitated Learning is also a powerful tool for teaching sensitivity, social awareness, effective communication skills, leadership, team building and problem solving.

Learn here how horses can help your business’s health…

Retreat-Style Masterclasses

Retreat-Style Masterclasses

The different seasons give us reassurance and comfort that there is a higher constant.
There is hope in the changing rhythm and a strategy to follow to thrive, if we only but tune in.
Our 1- day wellbeing masterclasses incorporate mindful practice in nature and heart-centred coaching co-facilitated with the herd of horses.
This is self-care inspired by nature  Read more…


The Land Awaits You

Mayo’s Mugshuts…

Our Wild Horse Garden….

Seeded with love for the WILD life and the HORSES....

Our way of reducing stress & anxiety…

Your Mission: To Be Horself

Working with horses allows you to reconnect deeply with yourself, your heart, soul and spirit. We lovingly refer to it as “being horself” and look forward to your experience of discovering your true nature, purpose and talents.

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Tring, UK

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Be Horself Limited

Established 2019

Founder & director Loredana Caminiti

Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner